The Language Institute invites all the professors from the Catholic University of Colombia to make part of the talk “How to give better talks:”, which will be lead by Lewis Lansford.
TED Talks are great partly because the speakers talk about topics they are both passionate about and expert in. The reality for most of us, however, is that we sometimes have to give presentations simply to get information to agroup of people – project updates, financial reports, academic presentations, and so on.
- Date. september 9 th
- Place: auditorio Las Torres
- Time: 2.30 to 4:00 pm
However, we can still learn from TED speakers and use some of their techniques to make our talks more engaging, clearer, and more effective. In this workshop, we will look
at five areas where we can learn something from TED Talks:
- Finding an angle to engage the audience – even with a boring topic
- Creating slides that support your talk
- Writing, rehearsing and delivering a talk in your own voice
- Guiding the audience through your talk
- Dealing with nerves before and during a presentation
Lewis Lansford has worked for big editorials as Project Manager, Editor and Writer. He has worked on books, videos, apps, and online materials. He was born in the United States of America and currently he lives in the United Kingdom. He has come to Colombia on behalf of the National Geographic Learning.
More Information
Instituto de Lenguas
PBX: 4433700. Ext. 5100/5104
Calle 47 No. 13 – 54 Sede Carrera 13, Bloque B
Institución sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional