The Spanish Program of the Institute of Languages of the Catholic University of Colombia, is based on a committed methodology to achieve excellence with differentiating factors. Thus, for the development of classes, high technology equipment turn classrooms into interactive multimedia sites, where students can have an innovative and vivid experience for greater recall and learning.
Our Spanish Courses for Levels– A2, B1 & B2 and Specific Purpose Courses, offer students different options for Spanish learning according to their specific goals and needs. With dynamic activities, material for self-study, tutoring sessions, counselling, free laboratory and optional extras, our programs offer students the opportunity to have an academic and cultural experience in Colombia, one of Latin America’s most diverse countries. Therefore, visits to historical and symbolic places are organized to have a successful learning and cultural immersion.
The Catholic University of Colombia through its Institute of Languages, offers different Spanish courses for foreigners where they can strengthen ties with other cultures, learn about Colombian traditions and enjoy while immersing in our culture.
The Institute of Languages of the University is committed to the integral formation of the person, their values and their aspirations, it promotes the learning of languages, based on high quality programs to satisfy the social, cultural, academic and professional demands of the educational community, through strategies for continuous improvement of its processes, the definition and measurement of quality objectives and compliance with regulatory guidelines, with a competent, responsible and dedicated staff.
We have several courses to help you meet your academic and personal expectations. Our Spanish program includes traditional and non-traditional participants, undergraduate and graduate students, administrators and business owners, tourists, and anyone who has anticipated the need to learn the Spanish language and learn more about our Colombian culture. Whatever your motivation, age, level and learning goals, are our Institute has the program for you.
Our Program for Specific Purposes focuses on real situations related to your daily life experiences. If you need to secure a new job, prepare for an interview, achieve an academic goal, enjoy your vacation in Colombia, or simply manage everyday social situations, our specific Spanish courses will be ideal for you.
$ 2.210.000 COP
60 hours *
4 Courses A1 Level
240 hours
$8.840.000 COP
240 hours
Specific guided tours will be organized to cultural and heritage sites of Bogota aimed to get deeper immersion in the Colombian Culture.
Individual Course
60 hours
$ 2.210.000 COP
60 horas *
3 Courses B1 Level
180 hours
$6.630.000 COP
Specific guided tours will be organized to cultural and heritage sites of Bogota aimed to get deeper immersion in the Colombian Culture.
Foreigners who wish to continue learning Spanish with a specific motivational goal from the completion of level A2.
Individual Course
60 hours
$ 2.210.000 COP
4 Courses B2 Level
240 hours
$ 8.840.000 COP
Foreigners who wish to perfect their Spanish Language
$ 1.7877.000 COP
Group Course
5 students or more
$ 895.000 COP
As a traveler, you will learn how to deal with everyday situations that enable you perform successfully in Spanish activities whilst enjoying your stay in our country.
Travelers who come to Colombia for the first time and want to go all over the country without idiomatic limitations.
$4.070.000 COP
Group Course
5 students or more
$ 1.440.000 COP
Undergraduate and postgraduate students who travel to Colombia to complete university studies, either for an Exchange program during a
semester or those who wish to finish study programs in Colombia universities
$ 3.718.000 COP
Group Course
5 students or more
$ 1.365.000 COP
To help you grow your skillset as a student, so that you can perfom successfully in daily, academic and university life.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students who travel to Colombia to complete university studies, either for an Exchange program during a
semester or those who wish to finish study programs in Colombia universities
$ 1.993.000 COP
Group Course
5 students or more
$ 1.351.000 COP
As a traveler, you will learn to communicate in everyday situations that enable you to connect with locals whilst being successful in your touristic explorations.
Foreigner interested in travelling and visiting Colombia on vacation.
Autorizo conforme a las disposiciones estatutarias en materia de Habeas Data, específicamente el Acuerdo No. 02 del 4 de septiembre de 2013 (Acuerdo), así como las demás normas vigentes, con el fin de garantizar para los titulares de la información la protección y tratamiento de datos personales de conformidad con la Ley 1581 de 2012 y demás normas concordantes y complementarias de la materia, así como lo prescrito en la ley 2300 de 2023, referente al contacto con fines comerciales, de manera libre, previa y voluntaria a la Universidad Católica de Colombia, a dar el tratamiento de mi información, para que en desarrollo de sus funciones propias como Institución de Educación Superior y su finalidad Académica y Administrativa, pueda recolectar, recaudar, almacenar, usar, circular, suprimir, procesar, intercambiar, compilar, dar tratamiento y/o transferir a terceros y disponer de los datos por mi suministrados en el presente formulario, así como a enviar información relacionada con la oferta de sus programas académicos a través de los medios de contacto que se señalen de forma voluntaria por parte del titular de los datos personales.
Mediante la presente autorizo especialmente a dar tratamiento a mis Datos Personales de conformidad a la actividad académica y administrativa, a enviar comunicaciones de carácter académico, especialmente la relacionada con sus programas de estudio a través de llamadas, correo institucional y/o el sugerido a título personal por el titular de la información, así como mediante mensajería de datos a través de SMS y WhatsApp o demás aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea, así como a través de redes sociales, conforme a las franjas horarias dispuestas y autorizadas por la ley 2300 de 2023 y las demás disposiciones vigentes sobre este aspecto, y la grabación de las sesiones de aulas virtuales en las cuales participe o en los escenarios académicos a los que asista en desarrollo del programa académico para el cual me he matriculado.
En caso de cualquier inquietud, petición, queja o reclamo sobre habeas data, podrá dirigirse al correo electrónico: contacto@ucatolica.edu.co o contactar directamente en nuestra sede principal ubicada en la Avenida Caracas Número 46 – 72, en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. “